The offspring million miles away
The offspring million miles away

and from France some few clothes and paper, &c. The commodities that are found here to abound, and that are * hence transported into other Countries of Christendome, are cotton woolls, which in great plenty grow in the adjoyning plaines of this Citie also Galles for Diers, aniseeds, cordovants, wax, cotton and grogram yarne, cute, carpets, grograms, mohers, chamblets, and some fruits and drugges, raw Persia silke is likewise hither brought by land from Persia and all other commodities found in Turkie or of that growth is here to be had, and the commodities here vented from England are Clothes of Suffolke and Gloster, kersies of Yorkshire and Hampshire, lead, tinne, callicoes, pepper, Indico, and other spices, which within these late yeares wee had formerly from this and other places of Turkie, and which now by the commoditie of the East India trade and navigation, we carry to them and from Ve∣nice is brought some clothp aper, silkes, velvets, &c. THE principall trade of this Citie was within these * few yeares transported hither from the Iland Scio, where the consulls abovesaid had their residents, and from thence are intitled Consulls of Scio and Smyrna, but by reason that scale both for sales and investments had then a dependencie upon this, it was found more proper and lesse chargeable to remove their aboad and ware∣houses hither, and by that meanes this became the principall Port, the goodnesse of the harbour much furthering the same, being both under the command of the Grand Signior, and within these later yeares much inriched by the trade of English, French, and Venetians. …n matter of traffique, I noted these things.…ians to protect their Merchants and Trade, where in Anno 1619.Iohn dedicated his Re∣velation, seated in the bottome of a Bay or Gulph, knowne to our Seamen by the name of the gulph of Smyrna and where there is a Consull resident for the English, as also for the French and Vene∣

the offspring million miles away

…iour Christ, much admired by all Artists.īut now the only Citie of Trade in this Province is Smyrna, one * of the places that strove for the birth of Homer, and wherein was found one of those Churches whereto S.…lack Marble, wherein is excellently ingraven the life of our Sa∣.…at I could find in Anno 1624 but a porch of a Grecian Church of.…ome a poore village, and retaines no monument of her pride.…elist, who went heere alive into the grave.

the offspring million miles away

IOnia is the next Province, wherein is that ancient * famous Citie of Ephesus much ruined from its an∣cient recorded beauty, famous for the direction of an Epistle by Saint Paul to the inhabitants here∣of: famous also for the Temple of Diana: and lastly, famous for the buriall of S.

the offspring million miles away

  • …ur his Miracles wrought, and place of his sufferance: Thirdly, the Actions memorized by the holy Pen-men of the Old and New Testa∣ment: Fourthly, the famous Monarchies of the Babylonians, Assi∣rians, Persians, and Medes: And fifthly, being the common Mo∣ther of us all, from whence innumerable troupes of men issued to people the other parts of the unhabited World, of which see o∣ther Authors further at large.Īnd of these in briefe according to my first intention.
  • …irst, the Creation of Mankind: Secondly, the Birth of our Savi∣.
  • Five notable things have made this Countrey famous, and * have giuen it the garland of supremacie over all the other parts of the World.
  • …stmus, as I remembred in the begin∣ning of this Worke.
  • ASIA, The third division of the World, * is separated from EVROPE by the E∣gean Propontis, and Euxine Sea, by Paulus Maeotis, Tanais, Duina, and from A∣FRICA by the red Sea, and the Egyp∣tian

    The offspring million miles away